Processing & Shipping Times.
In terms of shipping, we only ship Australia Wide. The courier we use is Australia Post, we do not charge for shipping as it is included in the cost of the product. When we recieve the products, we ship the items within 2-3 business days and due to current restrctions, shipping may be delayed however the average arrival time of products is 5-7 days, This may vary depending on location. Tracking is provided for every order, this means once we ship the items, we will email the customer with the tracking number and how to track it. We also keep customers updated if any delays occur.
As we buy from the manufacturer, there may be delays in order and processing times due to COVID-19 and current global restrictions. Please expect a 5-14 business day processing time upon us recieving the order. We will keep customers updated on their current stand point of their order.
If you have any further questions regarding policies, terms, conditions, or general questions please contact regarding your question in the topic.