Terms and Conditions.


We are not accepting item returns. You can still refund your order according to our 32 hour refund policy however, once a customer recieves their item they are not eligible for the 3 day return period. This is due to aftersales from our manufacturer that are not accepting item returns over the Christmas/Spring period. We are very sorry for the inconvenience however you must keep this in mind when placing an order. Please contact sneakascontact@gmail.com according to the refund policy.

By purchasing a product from SNEAKAS you agree to the terms and conditions of our business. This includes, refund policy, shipping, maximum buy, compensations, etc.

All terms and conditions are listed below:

Refund Policy:

Maximum Buy:





If you have any further questions regarding policies, terms, conditions, or general questions please contact sneakascontact@gmail.com regarding your question in the topic.